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Feb Half Term 2025


Tuesday 18th Feb 

Wednesday 19th Feb 






8.30am - 12pm Daily (Half day) 

8.30-3.30pm Daily (Full day)


Children aged 4 - 16 years

(4 year olds half day only)



Daily costs


10% off if booked and paid for

by the 2nd Feb 2025.


£17 Members £19 Non Members mornings


£28 Members £30 Non Members all day



Feb Half Term 2025


Tuesday 18th Feb 

Wednesday 19th Feb 


Easter 2025



14th - 17th April 

22nd - 25th April 



May Half Term



​27th -30th May




21st July - 29th Aug








Holidays clubs at Warwick TC

Do you have an active child who needs entertaining over the school break? Do you want them to be in a fun, sociable environment?

Our holiday clubs cater for ages 5-16 years (we will take 4 year olds, for half days) and feature a range of fun, game- based, multi-sport activities in a safe indoor and outdoor environment.

We are OFSTED registered, and accept child care vouchers & Tax Free Vouchers.

We are HAF registered, please state your code on the booking form.



Booking now open for Feb Half Term 2025! 




8.30am - 12pm Daily (Half day) 

8.30-3.30pm Daily (Full day)


Children aged 4 - 16 years

(4 year olds half day only)



Daily costs


10% off if booked and paid for

by the 2nd Feb


£17 Members £19 Non Members mornings


£28 Members £30 Non Members all day




During the day....

Children will have the opportunity to take part in many different activities including:
•Football •Cricket (Kwik cricket) •Tennis • Netball •Extreme Dodgeball • Multi-skill Activities•Hockey (unihoc) •Table Tennis •Parachute games •And much more




All of these sports and activities are conducted by activity leaders who have numerous coaching and leadership qualifications and relevant child protection checks.

There will always be a Paediatric First Aider on site.


Warwick Tennis Club

Hampton Road


CV34 6HX


At Warwick we have ideal facilities for multi-sport activities, including an indoor area when the weather is very British! We have the use of 6 tennis courts and large, grassed area for football, and other sports. The beautiful clubhouse offers a perfect social area for snack/lunch as well as table tennis and parachute games .



We are OFSTED registered and accept childcare  and Tax Free vouchers.


        What our voluntary ofsted means -


Holiday Club Dates & Costs

Feb Half Term 2025



Tuesday 18th Feb 

Wednesday 19th Feb



Easter 2025



​14th - 17th April 

22nd - 25th April 


May Half Term


​27th -30th May




21st July - 29th Aug








Due to the corona virus we have changed our booking system and policies. Please read the below information carefully as well as the corona virus pdf below.


  1. We will only be accepting children aged 4 - 16 years (4 year olds half days only. 

  2. Children can book for all 4 days or daily.

  3. Unfortunately no refunds can be given.

  4. Children need to be able to go to the toilet by themselves without help from an adult or another sibling.

  5. Children need to bring warm clothes, rain coats, a drink, snack (no nuts), and a tennis racket if they have one.


Before booking please take a minute to read through our policies/terms & conditions below

What to bring on the day 

  • For morning sessions please bring a snack and drink. For all day sessions please bring a snack, lunch and drink. We ask for NO NUTS in lunchboxes please.

  • Children MUST NOT be dropped off before they are booked in. Children MUST be picked up on time, otherwise a late pick up fee will be charged.

  • Children who use inhalers or epipens MUST bring them. We will refuse admission to children who don’t bring their required medication and no refund will be given.

  • We MUST be informed if children are being picked up by someone else on the day or walking home, if we aren’t informed then children will not be released until we have this confirmation, or we are given the collection code stated on the booking form.

  • Children need to wear suitable sports clothing, loose fitted clothing and trainers are best. We won't accept children in sandals/crocs or flip flops.

  • Most activities are outside, therefore children need to bring clothes for warm and cold weather conditions.  Children also need to bring a hat and sun cream (with their name on). Please see our sun cream policy for more details. 

Anchor 1

Feb Half Term Booking Form

Please fill in the below details, we will send you payment details once we have received your booking.
Bookings are only confirmed once payment has been made.

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